Alcohol and Weight Gain: Causes, Relationship, and Solutions

does liquor make you gain weight

According to a 2014 study in the American Journal of Public Health, alcohol consumption is not only related to weight gain, but to obesity. Sharing an alcoholic beverage with someone is a common way to celebrate, wind down, or enjoy a night out. Alcohol can cause weight gain and bloating, especially when consumed in moderate to heavy amounts. Avoiding alcohol is the best way to prevent weight gain from the beverage. A healthcare provider can help guide treatment if you have concerns about drinking or weight loss. Overall, it’s clear that your alcohol intake can cause weight gain.

  • From health concerns to bad experiences, here’s what made them break-up with fast food.
  • Engaging in healthy habits every day can help offset alcohol weight gain.
  • Empty calories provide energy without essential nutrients, which can result in overeating and poor dietary choices.
  • Finally, alcohol has to be burned first by your body, leaving the food you consume to be turned into fat tissue.

Alcoholic Drinks for People With Type 2 Diabetes

You will also want to does liquor make you gain weight keep an eye on how drinking affects your eating habits. Tropical mixed drinks tend to be very high in sugar, causing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. Some of the sweetness comes from fruit juice, but most comes from added sugars in syrups and nectars.

does liquor make you gain weight

Quinoa Glycemic Index: Nutrition Facts, Weight Loss, Health Benefits

People have said drinking too much beer can give you a larger stomach (or a “beer belly”), but there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. Although both people may have five glasses of wine, researchers anticipate the effect on their weight would be different. A registered dietitian can help you navigate the many dietary factors that influence weight, including calories from alcohol. Still, alcohol affects people differently, and there’s no way to determine how it will affect someone’s body mass index (BMI). Exactly how alcohol will affect you will also vary from person to person, however, it may lead you to eat less healthy foods and overeat.

does liquor make you gain weight

Alcohol, the Liver, and Fat Metabolism

Alcohol can possibly trigger the Whoosh Effect if you’ve been dieting and exercising hard for a while. Your body will stubbornly hold onto some water weight until there’s an influx of calories. Then your body will know that food is available to “flush out” what it’s been holding on to.

  • Cocktails and mixed drinks often have more calories than beer and wine.
  • Pick a dry red wine or white wine and stay away from late harvest wine varietals that can contain a high amount of hidden sugars.
  • However, this does not mean drinking red wine will always be healthful.

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